Soul Game Entertaiment

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Adminstator SoulGame
Adminstator SoulGame
Server NakedStory với những câu lệnh quen thuộc , bên server MoopleDEV đâu thấy lệnh đâu nhĩ
Các commands mình đã tích hợp đầy đủ vào 1 file .doc .
Những commands quen thuộc :
Player Commands Available:
@dispose - Use if you're stuck.
@emo - Sets your HP to 0.
@fmnpc - Shows the All-In-One NPC.
@save - Saves your data.");
@stat [amount] - Adds [amount] str/dex/int/luk.
@clearslot [equip/etc/use/equip/setup/cash] - Deletes all items in the selected slot.
@fm [1~22] - Warps you to the Free Market Room Number [choice].");
@fm - Warps you to the Free Market Entrance.
@cleardrops - Clears all items on the ground.
@rebirth - reborns your character.
@clearitem [slot][itemid][val] - Removes [val] number of [itemid] in your inventory. You many leave [val] blank if you want to delete 1. [Idea by edwinkbs]
@status - Displays your number of reborns and total AP.

GM/Admin/Donator Commands Available:
!setall [amt] - Sets all your stats to [amt].
!killall - Kills all mobs in your map.
!item [itemid] [amt] - Gives you [amt] [itemid].
!saveall - Saves the whole server.
!maxall - Maxes all your stats.
!level [amt] - Changes your level to [amt].
!exp [amt] - Changes your exp to [amt].
![stat] [amt] - Sets [stat] to [amt].
!exprate [amt] - Changes exp rate to [amt].
!mesorate [amt] - Changes meso rate to [amt].
!droprate [amt] - Changes drop rate to [amt].
!whereami - Shows the ID of the map you are on.
!warphere [player] - Warps [player] to your location.
!jail [player] - Sends [player] to jail.
!unjail [player] - Releases [player] from jail.
!spawn [mobid] [amt] - Spawns [amt] number of mob [mobid]
!servermessage [msg] - Sets the banner on top to [ms]
!pos - Displays your location on the map.
!notice [notice] - Sends a notice [notice] to all players.");
!mesos [amt] - Gives you [amt] mesos.
!mesoperson [person] [amt] - Gives [player] [amt] mesos.
!lolhaha - Switches the gender of a person.
!levelperson [player] [amt]- Changes [player]'s level to [amt]
!kill [player] - Kills [player].
!killmap - Kills every player on your map.
!dc [player] - Disconnects [player] from the server.
!healmap - Heals all player on your map
!healperson [player] - Heals [player]");
!clock [time] - Creates a clock with [time] seconds left.
!shutdown [time] - Shuts down the server after [time] seconds.");
!shutdownnow - Immediately shuts down the server
!pmob [mobid] [spawntime] - Creates a permanent mob [mobid] that spawns in intervals of [spawntime].
!pnpc [npcid] - Creates a permanent NPC [npcid] on your location.
!unbuffme - Deletes all your current buffs.
!playernpc [player] [npcid]- Creates an NPC with [player]'s name and image, and runs [npcid]'s script. [Idea by JarrYD]
!warpmap [mapid] - Warps everyone in your map to [mapid].
!warpallhere - Warps everyone in the channel to your location.
!warphere [player] - Warps [player] to your location.
!warp [mapid] - Warps you to [mapid].
!event [mapid] - Starts a new event in [mapid].
!event end - Ends the ongoing event.
!playernpc [player] [npcid]- Creates an NPC with [player]'s name and image, and runs [npcid]'s script. [Idea by JarrYD]
!search [category] [name] - Searches the id of [name] under [categoty]
!maxskill [all/skillid] - Maxes all skills or [skillid]. NOTE: You might DC. [Idea from shadowblazer]
!unmaxskill [all/skillid] - Sets level of all skills or [skillid] to zero. NOTE: You might DC. [Idea from shadowblazer]
!heal - Restores your hp and mp to your max hp and max mp.
!seteqstat [slot][stat][val]- Increases stat [stat/all] by [val] for item in eq slot [slot/all].
!whosthere - Displays all the characters on the current map.
!connected - Displays the number of characters connected.
!ban [player] [reason] - Bans [player] from the game. [reason] is optional.
!unban [player] - Unbans [player]
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Localhost v83 UFJ và DMG Cap , Drop NX
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